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Yoga Child's Pose

Back to Mobility Course

Back to mobility is a unique designed course to assist people with non specific back pain to become more mobile, reduce stiffness and discomfort. 


Low back pain is very common. More than 80 out of 100 people have this condition at some point in their life. 

Even though it can be distressing, low back pain is rarely linked with serious conditions. Most of the time, symptoms settle quickly. However, it's common to get pain that keeps returning. In some people, pain can last longer than a few weeks.


It is very important to keep active. This course incorporates mobility, strength, balance, and flexibility. Specific areas that will be targeted are the low and upper back, hips, core, moving from basic Level- 1 exercises to more difficult Level-4. Participants will progress with exercises tailored to their needs, with an online exercise program to follow. 


The course will be delivered over 4 weeks by Lorraine Harkins and Alex MacQueen. 


Drawing on their extensive knowledge of Yoga and Physiotherapy, the course will blend Yoga and research based rehabilitation techniques. 


The course is aimed at people who have not practiced yoga but would like to increase their knowledge of how to manage their back pain. 


FACT:  we don’t think about how we move until we can’t. 

Let’s Work Together

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